
بكين - Beijing صيني أسيوي

مفتوح الآن (11:30 صباحًا - 11:00 مـساءً)

Beijing Chinese restaurant is one of the leading authentic Chinese and modern Asian restaurant in the kingdom of Bahrain more than decade. Beijing Chinese we are committed to provide you with an exceptional dining experience every time you walk through our door. Beijing Chinese restaurant offers a combination of authentic Chinese and modern Asian menu from the different part of mainland china and Far East. Surely no cuisine on earth could match the diversity of Chinese cuisine. The secret of good taste lies largely in the freshness of the ingredients, and in their harmonious combination, where ingredients dance with spices and sauces, a good Chinese chef like our know this.
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اوقات العمل

  • كل الايام: 11:30 صباحًا - 11:00 مـساءً

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